In this article, we will learn about what kind of problems you may have to deal with while buying an accordion, especially the old ones and how best to avoid these problems. Keep this quick guide in mind when buying older accordions-it might just save you lots of headaches down the road.
It is essential to do your research for you not to lose your hard-earned money. Accordions do not come cheap and buying them is an investment. So do it wisely. Now that you have found an older model for one of the best accordion brands, you need to focus on some key facts.
There are three things you have to remember when buying an accordion.
#1: Accordions are sensitive instruments and might get damaged during delivery.
#2: 95% of the time secondhand accordions will have problems you will have to repair.
#3: It is better to buy new accordions than old ones.
Remember these key points before buying second-hand accordions.
#1: Problems may occur during delivery
Accordions and concertinas have reeds pasted into the instrument using rosin and beeswax.
It works fine, but the reeds become detached after some time. The cause of this is warm or cold weather or the environment.
A bump or bang during delivery can also cause this problem. Hiring an expert delivery company can solve this problem. Ordering accordions in the fall season can also be another solution.
#2: The problem of sticking occurs in button box accordions
Play the instrument before buying them or press the buttons and compress the bellows if you do not know how to play. The buttons should not stick and the sound from the bellows should be continuous.
#3: Do not go for accordions that have raised or dented piano keys
Repairing these kinds of accordions can be expensive.
#4: Sometimes buttons can become deposited inside the accordion due to bumps from here and there
It is pretty easy to fix and you can do it yourself. Find a hook-shaped wire, open the accordion and pull the button upwards.
#5: Full accordions may have deposited buttons
A bump can cause this. The button links become crooked which allows a projection to slide past the cam. It is supposed to engage.
You can solve this problem yourself if you’re skilled enough, but sometimes it can be difficult if the problem lies with the inboard rows of buttons.
#6: Manufacturers use beeswax to glue the reeds in the accordion
The wax sometimes smells and this can cause the reeds to become unhinged. If you want to find out if the reeds are attached or not, rotate the instrument and hear if there is any rattling sound.
It is best not to buy accordions if they rattle from inside. The reads can interfere with the bellows and get bent when the bellows compress.
Another way to find out is when air flows from the accordion, it does not produce any sound.
#7: Used accordions can become tuneless
Professionals can overcome this problem using their years of experience. It is best not to buy a tuneless accordion if you’re not a professional.
#8: Manufacturers use cardboard to make bellows which makes the edges quite sharp
They then use ornamental strips to insulate the edges by using glue. Sometimes the strips come off from years of use. It is easy to fix this problem.
Some online websites sell special strips for accordions. You can order a couple of them with the glue, stick them on and your accordion is ready to play.
#9: Bellows can sometimes have holes, and repairing or replacing bellows can be expensive
Putting tape on the holes can work if the holes are tiny. If you see this problem in bellows, it is best not to buy those accordions.
#10: It is difficult to fix an accordion when its base section has problems
Sometimes used accordions leak air and bounce the valves attached to the buttons or keys.
#11: The plastic wrap comes off and can make an accordion quite an attractive
Some online websites sell decorative plastic wrap. But you may find it difficult to stick the wrap if you are not a professional.
These are some of the problems that come with second-hand accordions.
Be cautious when you invest in an old accordion. Not all old accordions are the same. Some old ones can be great, but other older accordions simply are more trouble than they are worth.
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My introduction to accordion music was by way of Zydeco and Tex-Mex music. Once I got my hands on my very own squeezebox, I was hooked. Let me tell you, playing the accordion is every bit as fun as listening to it. Thanks for joining me in my exploration of the awesome world of accordions and all its amazing versions!